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Effective February 1, 2015 the Autodesk upgrade policy is changing and upgrades from previous releases will no longer be available.

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Just a reminder to everyone that effective Feb. 1, 2015 Autodesk's upgrade policy is changing and upgrades from previous releases will no longer be available!! 

Here is some information from an Autodesk FAQ that could help you understand how you'll be affected.  If this info doesn't answer your questions, please give me a call and I can help you sort out the best option for your situation.   

Thanks and Happy New Year - 

Steve (800) 875-0025 or


General Upgrade Policy Information

  • What is changing around the upgrade policy?
    As of February 1, 2015, Autodesk will no longer offer the option to purchase an upgrade version of the latest software release if you own a perpetual license* to a previous version. New versions will be available through purchase of a new perpetual license for the current version or as a Maintenance Subscription or Desktop Subscription benefit.

    Note: A perpetual license grants the license holder the right to use the version of Autodesk software that is purchased for as long as desired.
  • Why is Autodesk eliminating upgrades?
    Autodesk is evolving its business model to achieve a stronger and ongoing relationship with its customers, offering perpetual software licenses with Subscription and Desktop Subscriptions (software rental) as the primary purchasing options.

    Starting in 2015, we will stop selling upgrades to simplify the offering and in recognition of the fact that most of our customers are on Subscription.

    Purchasing Autodesk Subscription is the most cost effective way to stay current and competitive in today’s market. We continue to provide enhanced value and experiences to Subscription customers, such as flexible licensing rights, and access to select additional Autodesk® 360 cloud services, among others.
  • Does this mean that Autodesk is completely changing its licensing model to subscription-based offerings only?
    No. At this time, Autodesk has no plans to change the licensing model across the board for all products. Desktop Subscription, perpetual licenses, and perpetual licenses with Maintenance Subscription will all continue to be a very important part of our portfolio.
  • What does this mean for customers who previously purchased perpetual licenses?
    Customers who have purchased a perpetual license will be able to continue using that version of software indefinitely. New versions will be available through purchase of a new perpetual license for the current version or as a Subscription benefit.
  • When will the new upgrade policy be effective?
    This new upgrade policy will be effective on February 1, 2015. At that time, Autodesk will no longer offer the option to purchase an upgrade from a previous version when a new software version is released. New versions will be available through purchase of a new perpetual license for the current version or as a Subscription benefit.
  • What upgrades will be eliminated?
    An upgrade version will no longer be offered for customers with a perpetual license to a previous version. This will apply across all product lines. Customers who own a perpetual software license with Subscription will continue to receive access to the latest version of their software as part of their Subscription benefits.
  • What products are covered by this policy change? 
    All products sold with perpetual licensing are covered by this policy change except for Creative Finishing products.


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Steve has been helping artists with their pipelines for almost 20 years, recommending the best 3d tools with the greatest return on investment.  Reach out anytime - 781-937-0300 or