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Autodesk Licenses - Subscription Only After 1/31/16 - Buy perpetual licenses while you still can!

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b2ap3_thumbnail_adsk_changes.jpgSale of perpetual licenses of most products ends very soon

After January 31, 2016, most individual products will be available only through subscription.  This includes 3ds Max, Maya, Motion Builder, Mudbox and more…

You have until January 31, 2016 to buy perpetual licenses. Add Maintenance Subscription to your perpetual licenses to ensure you have continued access to the subscription benefits, including all software updates, technical support and flexible licensing rights.


After January 31st, if you need to buy new seats of Autodesk software, you will have to buy “Desktop Subscription” – Desktop Subscription is Autodesk’s flexible, pay-as-you-go approach – similar to Adobe’s Creative Cloud offering.



If you need to buy new seats, and don’t want to transition to the Desktop Subscription model, give me a call at 781-937-0300 or email me and I can help you get what you need.

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Steve has been helping artists with their pipelines for almost 20 years, recommending the best 3d tools with the greatest return on investment.  Reach out anytime - 781-937-0300 or