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Power Translators out now for MODO 801 SP1 for $495!

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Interactive Geometry Translator Plug-ins for MODO 801

The Power Translators for MODO are ideal for designers, engineers, product visualization specialists and 3D generalists who need to bring specific industry-standard CAD data formats into MODO for visualization or design. As you import these formats, the Power Translators give you interactive control in MODO over how geometry is tessellated and provides efficient methods for accommodating incoming CAD files with many repetitive elements.

Key Features and Benefits

The Power Translators for MODO, in addition to loading the specified CAD formats, also provides control over how geometry is imported and gives you options for handling large files with repetitive elements:

Interactive surface tessellation

You can opt to load in a lighter Open GL representation of your incoming CAD data, which can can then be tessellated interactively by adjusting settings on a per-item or group basis after loading them into the scene. Once the desired tessellation parameters are determined you can save the item to a mesh. This ability to apply different tessellation during a session is possible because the incoming surfaces are maintained as parametric surfaces by the IntegrityWare kernel during import.

Optimized mesh results

For your resulting mesh, you can choose between Convex (mixed quads and triangles) and Quad NGon (mixed quads and ngons). Since not all CAD files are alike, you can set parameters like Distance Tolerance, Angle, Minimum and Maximum Edge length to optimally tessellate the data coming into MODO. This lets you import files that might have been unreadable/unusable before, and lets you quickly arrive at the best settings for the particular dataset and use you have in mind.

Instance handling

Many CAD models have repetitive geometry elements. If your imported file contains instances, they can be loaded as copies, instances or replicators in MODO. This can greatly reduce memory use and boost interactivity.

Static mesh option

Normally, you will use the Power Translators to save to a mesh representation but an additional option is to save it as a static mesh. Static meshes in MODO are specially constructed lightweight representations of polygonal data which cannot be edited but can be rendered.

Translate NURBS Not Polygons

Power Translators are built from the ground up to solve today’s difficult problems of importing quality CAD data into MODO. The Plug-in has been battle hardened in the most demanding productions at some of the best 3D visualization rendering facilities in the world. The professionals spoke and we listened and together we developed the most advanced, best integrated, highest quality MODO CAD translator on the market today. 

Power Translators could easily pay for itself on a single project in time savings alone!

Power Translators for Modo - now available for $495 - call me at 800-875-0025 or email me for more info or to buy!

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Steve has been helping artists with their pipelines for almost 20 years, recommending the best 3d tools with the greatest return on investment.  Reach out anytime - 781-937-0300 or